Check-in and Check-out
The check-in is done the first day of your rental agreement by one of our agents. Before your arrival, we should have received your working contract, ID card/passport and proof of residence. You will also need to have signed the contract electronically and sent us a proof of payment corresponding to the agency fees, the security deposit and the first month of rent.
An inventory will be made during the check-in by one of our agents.
In case of problem or delay please inform in advance the agency by sending an email to with your room reference.
The check-out is made from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm by one of our agents. An inventory is done by our agent who checks that accommodation is clean and in good condition and inform us of any subsequent problem. The security deposit will be reimbursed within 8 weeks to the Tenant only after his departure and after that the inventory of fixtures has shown unbroken things. The guarantee will be deducted of eventual costs supported to restore the accommodation. The deposit can be refunded only after reception of your complete bank details (beneficairy, Bank, IBAN and BIC code) and leave declaration issued by local commune.
Before leaving please be reminded to:
- collecte all your personal belongings from your room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the laundry room or any other common area.
- empty the fridge and the cupboards in the kitchen.
- remove your name from letter box.
- leave keys to our agent.
Rental contrat changes are possible previous one month notice from the end of the month and depending on rooms/studios availabilities. If you wish to modify your rental contract , you need to send us your request by email ( and indicated your room reference. You will not pay an extra agency. Agency is due only after a period of 12 months from your first rental agreement.
ACCOMMODATIONS4U.COM part of I-House Trade Sarl-S; SAME FOR I-HOUSE TRADE is an innovative real estate agency, based in Luxembourg.Read more..
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